BVD Ear Notch Collection Guideline

Printable PDF Version: BVD Ear Notch Procedure CTI-4

Ear notch procedure for BVD-ELISA


Materials and Equipment Needed

  1. Ear Notching tool: size medium ear notcher with v-shaped die (1/2'').
  2. Sterile tubes or small plastic bags such as a resealable sandwich/snack bag.
  3. UKVDL accession form and continuation form. These forms can be found on our website.
  4. Disinfectant for rinsing notching tool. A 10% bleach solution, e.g. 100ml (3oz) bleach in 900 ml (27oz) water will work fine.
  5. Clean rinse water: 3-5 gallon bucket. We recommend changing the water every 20-30 notches.
  6. Disposable gloves and clean coveralls should be worn when collecting samples.

Note: BVD-ELISA is for bovine specimens only. Collected ear notch must be free of contaminating dirt, feces, tattoo ink, and away from BVD vaccine.

Collection Procedure

  1. Using a permanent marker, identify the collection tube or bag with animal ID or reference number. Use a separate tube or bag for each notch.
  2. Trim long ear hair with scissors prior to notching.
  3. Dip notching tool into the disinfectant, then rinse well with clean water.

Caution: Residual disinfectant on the notching tool will yield false negative results; therefore,

a thorough rinsing with clean water is required.

  1. Take a proper size ear notch from a clean portion of the ear (see figures below). Place the notch into the labeled tube or plastic resealable bag. Disinfect and rinse the ear notcher between each animal.
  2. Ear notches can be stored for up to 72 hours at refrigerated temperatures. For best results submit to the lab as soon as possible. If shipping to the UKVDL, send overnight on ice, along with the completed accession forms. The accession forms should be placed in a separate leak-proof bag to prevent damage.

BVD Ear Notch Image