Test Information

Lab Lab Test Name Specimen Amount (Min Amount) Shipping Conditions Turn Around Time / Schedule Comments In State Fee Out of State Fee Method QL = Qualitative QN = Quantitative
Bacteriology Brachyspira - Darkfield 4 in spiral colon 2 g of feces Spiral colon (preferred) or feces. Spiral colon should be fresh (not fixed in formalin), less than 12 hours old when received by the Bacteriology Section, kept cool, and submitted in a labeled, large mouth container suitable for the size of the specimen. Feces should collected from the rectum (not the ground) and less than 12 hours old. 1 working day Cannot distinguish between B. hyodysenteriae (pathogen) and B. innocens (nonpathogenic). $9.00 $13.50 Microscopy (QL)
Bacteriology Clostridium difficile Toxin A B ELISA 1 g feces or intestine contents. Feces or intestine contents. Specimens should be kept cool and should be less than 24 hours old when received by the laboratory. 1 working day. Fecal samples that have been preserved in formalin can not be used. $28.50 $42.75 ELISA(QL)
Bacteriology Clostridium FA 10 g fresh tissue. Fresh affected tissue; usually skeletal or heart muscle. Sample of affected tissue should be fresh (not fixed in formalin), kept cool, and submitted in a labeled, large mouth container suitable for the size of the specimen. 2-3 working days. $13.75 $20.62 Fluorescent Antibody (QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Aerobic Swab of infected material (recommend Amies medium with charcoal), piece of tissue or organ, or fluid in leak-proof sealed clean or sterile container. Deliver to laboratory as soon as possible after collection. Protect from hot and cold conditions that might destroy suspected pathogenic bacteria. 2 - 4 working days. $24.00 $36.00 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Anaerobic Aspirate of abscess or lesion in capped off syringe (expel air before sealing syringe and do not send with needle). Biopsy or tissue; if small must be maintained in an anaerobic transport system. Do not freeze or cool samples for anaerobic culture. Transport at room temperature. Sample should not be over 48 hours old, preferably less than 4 hours old. 3 - 10 working days. $24.00 $36.00 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Campylobacter species 0.2 - 0.3 g cervical mucus; 3 - 5 ml of semen, prepucial wash, or stomach contents; 1 - 3 g feces, 3 - 5 inches of tied-off intestine, or fecal or intestinal swab. Specimen should be transported to the laboratory within 4 hours on ice packs. 7 - 10 working days. $18.25 $27.38 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Contagious Equine Metritis Swab from various sites of the genital tract of equine. Rayon tipped swabs of small diameter (.1 cm) must be used in collection from clitoral sinuses. Cervical or endometrial swabs must be collected with an appropriately sized guarded uterine swab and submitted in Amies charcoal medium. Each swab must be submitted in Amies transport medium with charcoal and must be completely submerged in the medium. Swab must be processed within 48 hours after animal is cultured. If mailed, swabs must be submitted with ice packs. DO NOT FREEZE SAMPLES - Submit Cool on Frozen Gel Pacs. If swabs and ice packs are warm when received, the swabs will not be processed. 7 - 10 days. If more than 7 days of incubation is required, then the number of days of incubation required must be listed and highlighted by the submittor on the CEM accession form. While every effort will be made to process samples upon submission, samples received after 3:00 pm on weekdays and after 12:00 pm on Saturdays cannot be guaranteed to be set up for bacterial culture that same day. $36.50 $54.75 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Dermatophilus congolensis 1 cm x 1 cm (approximately) Small scab or crust Scabs and/or crust from edge of lesion. Transport at room temperature in an envelope or other type of container that is not air tight. 3 - 5 working days. $13.75 $20.62 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Fungal Few hairs or scales from lesion, 1 g tissue with lesion or a biopsy. Room temperature transport and storage. Storage of DTM or other referral agar plates/slants in the refrigerator might cause condensation which could encourage overgrowth by saprophytic microorganism. 7 - 23 working days. $25.25 $37.88 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Listeria Brain: 1 g tissue preferably the brain stem or pons area. Environmental samples: 10 - 20 g silage, taken from several areas. Sample of affected tissue should be fresh (not fixed in formalin), should be kept cool and submitted in a labeled, large mouth container suitable for the size of the specimen. Silage can be transported at room temperature. 5 - 7 working days. $18.25 $27.38 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Microaerophilic 1 - 10 g fresh tissue. Swab in transport medium (recommend Amies medium with charcoal). Fluid, pieces of infected tissue or organ in leak-proof container. Sample of affected tissue should be fresh (not fixed in formalin), should be refrigerated and submitted in a labeled, large mouth containter suitable for the size of the specimen. 7 - 10 days. $18.25 $27.38 Microscopy (QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Mycobacterium sp. 1 - 2 g fresh tissue. Biopsy specimen or lesion in sterile container. Sample of affected tissue should be fresh (not fixed in formalin), should be refrigerated and submitted in a labeled, large mouth containter suitable for the size of the specimen. 1 - 10 weeks. $23.00 $34.50 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Mycoplasma 1 - 2 g fresh tissue. Swab in transport medium. Fluid, pieces of infected tissue, or organ in leak-proof container. Sample of affected tissue should be fresh (not fixed in formalin), should be kept cool and submitted in a labeled, large mouth containter suitable for the size of the specimen. 7 - 10 days. Synovial or joint fluid is usually culture negative, even on suspect cases. $23.00 $34.50 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Culture - Ruminant Mastitis (3 - 5 ml) Milk in sterile, leak-proof containers. Please do not submit in whirl-pak bags. Best results are obtained if samples are chilled or placed on ice during transport to the laboratory. If more than 20 samples are to be submitted, the Bacteriology Section must be notified at least 1 week before they are submitted. 3 - 5 working days. $9.00 $13.50 Culture(QL)
Bacteriology Examination - Darkfield 1 - 3 ml fluid. Any fluid; such as urine, fetal stomach contents, or joint fluid. Fluid should be fresh and should be submitted in a labeled, sterile, leak-proof container. 1 working day. $9.00 $13.50 Microscopy (QL)